
IMPRS on Gravitational Wave Astronomy at Potsdam (GW-IMPRS-Potsdam)

The partner institutions in the GW-IMPRS-Potsdam are: The Albert Einstein Institute, the Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of Potsdam, and the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics.

The spokesperson oversees all activities of this IMPRS.

The steering committee consists of the spokesperson, the deputy spokesperson, and representatives from the partner institutions. The steering committee is responsible for decisions regarding the curriculum and the scientific content. It will also oversee the appointment of TACs for each student.

Each student has a thesis advisory committee (TAC) which oversees the student’s scientific progress and gives advice on all matters related to the PhD program. The thesis advisory committee consists of the student's main supervisor, their secondary supervisor, as well as at least one additional senior IMPRS member. The additional member must be scientifically independent of the student’s main supervisor.

The IMPRS students elect a student spokesperson who serves as the official representative of the students at meetings and in committees.

Other Graduate education at the AEI

The IMPRS on Gravitational Wave Astronomy has a second branch located at Hannover on experimental and observational aspects of gravitational wave astronomy, which recruits independently.

AEI Potsdam also houses another IMPRS, dedicated to Quantum Gravity.

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