Members of the IMPRS in Hannover
The IMPRS consists of more than 60 PhD students, about 10 staff, and is led by the IMPRS-office, and the executive comittee overseas the activities.
PhD Students
All PhD students in our AEI Hannover are members of our IMPRS. Our IMPRS on Gravitational Wave Astronomy typically comprises more than 60 PhD candidates at any given time.
IMPRS Structure
School activities are planned and organized by the IMPRS office, and guided by an Executive Committee which consists of Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
PhD thesis advisors in the IMPRS
The IMPRS staff are permanent scientific staff members at one of the participating institutes, with majority of them having a teaching affiliation with one of the participating universities or have taught previously elsewhere. The staff is complemented by a large number of scientists at the participating institutes who are involved in supervision and thesis committees.