
The best possible supervision for your PhD studies

We guarantee a good educational quality in the advising of PhD students. For that, the school has introduced Thesis Advisory Committees (TACs) comprising at least 3 advisors for each doctoral student.

In order to guarantee a good educational quality in the advising of PhD students, the school has introduced Thesis Advisory Committees (TACs) comprising at least 3 advisors for each doctoral student. At least one of the members of the TAC must come from outside of the doctoral candidates´ research group. At least two members must have the right to confer a PhD degree (Promotionsberechtigung). The committee ensures that the rules are properly followed. The committee also coordinates the participation of the PhD students in the course program and is responsible for external obligations of the doctoral students. All details are laid out in individual Supervision Agreements with each student.

What do I have to do with Supervision Agreement ?

When you are accepted at our IMPRS, please download the IMPRS Supervision Agreement from here. Please read it carefully and follow the instruction written on the IMPRS Supervision Agreement.