Home / Portal IMPRS on Gravitational-Wave Astronomy (Hannover) Research PhD thesis defenses PhD thesis defenses A list of PhD thesis defences by IMPRS students since 2016 2020 (7 theses) PhD thesis defense by Lars Nieder December 4, 2020Binary Gamma-ray Pulsars PhD thesis defense by Daniel Pook-Kolb October 2, 2020Dynamical Horizons in Binary Black Hole Mergers PhD thesis defense by Christoph Dreißigacker September 25, 2020Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves: Sensitivity Estimation and Deep Learning as a Novel Search Method PhD thesis defense by Aparna Bisht September 18, 2020Development of a novel alignment sensing and control technique for the output mode cleaner at GEO 600 PhD thesis defense by Sarah Paczkowski August 28, 2020Laser Frequency Stabilisation and Interferometer Path Length Differences during the LISA Pathfinder Satellite Mission PhD thesis defense by Marina Trad Nery August 26, 2020Laser power stabilization via radiation pressure PhD thesis defense by Alexander Koch February 14, 2020Link Acquisition and Optimization for Intersatellite Laser Interferometry Page«|…|3|4|5|6|7|…|»